The best teleprompter app for Mac
The virtual teleprompter app for Mac is compatible with Mac OS and all the popular meeting applications such as Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, GoToMeeting, Google Meet and Bluejeans etc. Online meetings can be challenging for presenters who are trying to juggle speaking notes, their appearance, talking speed and all the other challenges that comes with hybrid working. Remote and physical separation might be due to loss of cohesion, however digital conferencing doesn't stop so we need the right tools to maintain effective communication.
A Mac computer
Download the Virtual Teleprompter app from the Mac app store
Get Started with a Laptop Teleprompter app
With the virtual teleprompter, you have the laptop teleprompter you need to complete your remote and hybrid work toolkit. You can adjust the transparency of the overlay, speed, font size, and colors. Fine-tune everything and look natural and professional even while reading or referencing your notes. The intuitive controls mean that you will look and feel confident by your very next meeting or interview.
Once the Virtual Teleprompter for Mac has finished installing from the Mac store, it will appear in the Launchpad apps.
1. Open up the application to get started.

2. The application will launch and you need to click the green "Proceed" button in the top left corner to proceed.

3. Copy and Paste your speech or talking notes into the teleprompter app and press the green "Start" button in the top left corner. Note: this might be in MS Word, MS PowerPoint or notepad.

4. Important note for MAC users
Do not use the full screen button for the meeting application i.e. Zoom or Webex, because this will hide every other application including the teleprompter.

Instead simply maximise the meeting window by dragging the window’s edge (top, bottom, or sides). Or press and hold the Option key while you click the green maximise button (holding the option key will change the button to a (+).

How to read your notes while looking into the camera
1. Elevate your webcam and screen so they are at eye level.
2. Position the teleprompter application on top of your meeting application so you have a nice transparent overlay. Be careful not to place the teleprompter on top of the meeting controls so you can easily access the mute button, webcam on/off button, screenshare etc.
3. You can start or pause the scrolling text by pressing Enter on your keyboard or left click on the text.
4. You can adjust the speed of the scrolling text by using the keyboard UP and Down arrows.
5. You can adjust the font size, font color, transparency and also adjust several advanced features for right to left languages,
Below are example of how to achieve this using the virtual teleprompter app running on Mac using Webex, Zoom and MS Teams.
Webex Meeting

Open the Webex application as normal. The critical Webex meeting controls are on the bottom of the screen within the red box. You want to avoid putting the teleprompter app over the key controls so you can easily access the mute button, webcam on/off button, screenshare etc.
Zoom Meeting

Open the Zoom application as normal. The critical Zoom meeting controls are on the bottom of the screen within the red box. You want to avoid putting the teleprompter app over the key controls so you can easily access the mute button, webcam on/off button, screenshare etc.
MS Teams Meeting

Open the Microsoft Teams application as normal. The critical Teams meeting controls are on the top right of the screen within the red box. You want to avoid putting the teleprompter app over the key controls so you can easily access the mute button, webcam on/off button, screenshare etc.
For further instructions please refer to the instructions blog.